Medically Supervised Detox
When a participant arrives at iRecover, they are placed under the care of medical professionals who assess, monitor, and manage the participant as they progress through their withdrawal. This is a required first step in the drug detox program before starting in the inpatient / residential-based classroom program.
The length of stay can vary from participant to participant and typically ranges between 24 hours and one week. Participants will have their bags inspected for safety purposes upon arrival.
During detox and the first week in treatment, participants are not allowed to make any phone calls. Having personal phones or internet capable devices is prohibited.
iRecover’s addiction rehab center program provides treatment for most types of addiction disorders. Participants at our facilities are often treated concurrently for multiple substance abuse addictions and disorders. If you are wondering is marijuana addictive, keep in mind that an addictive behaviour can lead to other drug addictions. Once in our treatment program, our trained staff can help uncover and treat the reasons for the underlying addictive behaviours. Working through their dimensions of wellness during their addiction recovery with iRecover lays the foundation for a better life of sobriety.
In some instances, our psychiatrist may prescribe drugs to treat drug treatment as part of the drug detox program.
These are just some of the types of addictions that we treat:
Acid, Adderall, Aerosols, Alcohol, Amphetamine, Ativan, Barbiturates, Beer, Benzodiazepines, Codeine, Crack, Crystal meth, Demerol, Diazepam, Ecstasy, Fentanyl, Gasoline, Glue, Hallucinogens, Heroin, Hydromorphone, Inhalants, Ketamine, Liquor, Lorazepam, LSD, Magic, Mushrooms, Marijuana, Methadone, Methamphetamine, Morphine, Nitrates, Opioids, Oxycodone, Percocet, Percodan, Ritalin, Sedatives, Solvents, Stimulants, Speed, Suboxone, THC, Valium, Vicodin, Wine, etc.
Feedback from some of our detox participtants:
What were your fears and general expectations of the detox process before entering our centre?
“I was scared that I wasn’t allowed to be on methadone so I was going to get really sick when I came off it.”
“The fear of what people might think of me being here. The fear of I don’t need to be here this is something that I can fix on my own.”
How did those initial expectations compare to what you think about the detox process now?
“The help and people were amazing to get me through a hard time.”
“I am allowed to be on methadone here so I am extremely relieved and happy and eager to move onto rehab.”
“It doesn’t matter what people think I know I need this program for myself.”
What are your expectations, including fears and hopes, for your treatment stay?
“I expect to learn coping skills and ways to stay clean and say no to drugs.”
“I hope to walk out of here being the old me with a new look on life and enjoy the old things instead of the booze and drugs.”
“I hope to learn the tools I need to be and stay sober. No fears.”
iRecover would like to be part of
your own recovery success story.