Understanding The Cycle of Relapse & Recovery
Understanding The Cycle of Relapse & Recovery When someone becomes addicted to alcohol or a drug, the addiction can become [...]
Alumni Nancy – 8 Years after treatment
Alumni Nancy, 8 Years after treatment, still going strong! iRecover is extremely proud of Alumni Nancy still going strong [...]
Alumni Natasha Celebrates ONE YEAR clean and sober!
Alumni Natasha Celebrates ONE YEAR clean and sober! We are extremely proud of Alumni Natasha for working hard at [...]
You’ve Decided To Quit Drinking/Drugging: Now What?
You’ve Decided To Quit Drinking/Drugging: Now What? “That’s it. I’ve had enough of the booze and drugs and I’m quitting!” [...]
Alumni Mike takes his 1 Year cake at iRecover Alberta
Alumni Mike takes his 1 Year cake at iRecover Alberta We are very honored and proud that Alumni Mike W [...]